uses a feedback system that shows a score on your public profile. This score, a percentage, shows how much positive feedback a user has.

You can only give one feedback to a user after a succesful trade where a cryptocurrency is released. The feedback can be one of four types: Trustworthy, Positive, Neutral, Block.

Users that have never traded can’t leave feedback, however if they mark each other as trusted or not trusted they are able to leave trustworthy, neutral or block feedback.

Feedback types:

  • Trustworthy Giving trustworthy feedback increases the receiver's feedback score while at the same time marks the receiver as a trusted person. People who you mark as trusted can view your Trusted Only advertisements. You can find a list of people whom you've marked as trusted under your profile. 
  • Positive Giving positive feedback increases the receiver's feedback score. 
  • Neutral Giving neutral feedback doesn't affect the receiver's feedback score. 
  • Block By blocking a user he can no longer contact you, and he receives negative feedback from you which lowers his feedback score. 
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